“…and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor. 13:13
For years, I have been ashamed and been hurt by what would appear as selfish pity. You see I have a niece and nephew who were born out of wedlock and by different mothers. This isn’t the type of environment I was raised in and so it never seemed easier to hear news that I would be an aunt. Plus, what would others think about me if I told them about this? I love my niece and nephew so very much, as if they were my own. I would never trade them for anything in this world. And, I love my brother very much-sometimes “bad” things happen to good people. And, although this really didn’t concern me, it still cut deep for many years. Whenever these kids are together you better want to play with both of them at the same time and do the same things because you can not separate them. They absolutely love each other. They love their daddy too. They are so proud of him serving our country-they even went to help him sort out supplies at the base last weekend. And, they want to be just like him. But, the thing that amazes me the most is how much love they share for each other. They call each other brother and sister and stick up for one another. They love being around each other-in fact, from what I hear Mia is having a slumber party at Rylan’s tonight-something that might be uncommon in this type of situation. Yet, I can’t seem but thank God for bringing such a happy thing out of a sea of possible confusion.
Even amongst the brokenness and pain we have endured, the love they share for each other as brother and sister is worth it all. It [love] really is greater than anything.
It reminds me of how much love our Heavenly Father has for us. He is completely swept away by us even with our failures and shortfalls. The God who is Love (1 John 4:8), loves us unmatched to anything on Earth. He wants to have a relationship with His sons and daughters. Isn’t it cool to be called a Daughter of the King?! Thank you, God, for loving us relentlessly. May our prayer be to become more like You.
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