Saturday, January 1, 2011

A new year

"They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:23

I have always been intrigued by the dawn of a new year. Some will make resolutions to improve a part of their life. Some will disregard this and not even try, because "they never keep them." The later in some ways is probably right. As humans, although I believe we intend good, it is inevitable we are going to fail at some point. At that point, we have a choice to either stay down or get back up and trudge forward. I think this is why I have really found peace in this passage in Lamentations. I know that in some aspects of my life after I fail at something, I almost try to hide so God can't see my imperfections. However, as He gently draws me closer to Him during these times, I realize how much He is in love with us and His mercy really is new each and every morning!

This is why I salute those who set goals at the beginning of a new year. They are making a statement saying this is something I need to change about my life, and I'm starting now. More than likely they will falter at times, but having that ambition and motivation to begin with is a crucial first step. And, from a spiritual standpoint, God's mercies are new every morning (not just at the beginning of a new year), so friends claim that for the year 2011!

I did not set any New Year Resolutions last year for some reason, but this year is going to be different. I am really excited for what this year brings! I have some things in my head of what I am resolving to do this year, but I will bring those to you at a later date. I have grown up with making S.M.A.R.T. goals, therefore, "Having a good attitude," and "Enjoy life," does not suffice for a good S.M.A.R.T. resolution for me. Haha. But, stay tuned... Good luck in your 2011 endeavors!

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